Sea Cadets with CNO Richardson and US Naval Sea Cadet Corps Senior Leaders at the US Capitol, May 2019. The Sea Cadets are the only Congressionaly-chartered military youth program and rely on US Navy funding and the support of Representatives and Senators.
Thanks to the bi-partisan support from Representatives Seth Moulton, Joe Wilson (Co-Chairs of the Military Youth Programs Caucus) and co-sponsor Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps received an additional $4.3M in FYF20 funding through a House floor amendment. The amendment was accepted and passed. CoAspire was pleased to take an active effort to achieve this much needed funding for the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, and thankful for the 9,000 Sea Cadets and their adult volunteers in 46 states, Guam, DC and Puerto Rico who are also advocating for this funding. On to the Senate Appropriations Committee, the Full Senate, conference with the House and presidential signature.