CoAspire has produced a great new video highlighting its products that were displayed at the Tailhook Symposium in September 2021. You can view the video here:
#JAGM-F Receives $9.8M for the Navy and $9.8M for the Marine Corps in FY19 Senate Approps Mark
JAGM Missile Manufactured by @LockheedMartin
On June 29th the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations publicly released its markup of the FY19 Defense Bill. The Committee added $9.8M for the US Navy for the new JAGM-F Missile, and $9.8M for the US Marine Corps in DoN RDT&E funding. This $19.6M in additional funding, if approved through the appropriations process, will allow the DoN to conduct studies and analysis and develop the new JAGM-F missile. The Air Force had already requested in their FY19 President Budget Request $31.596M for a new start for JAGM-F for their fighter aircraft. The House also authorized similar additions for the Department of the Navy ($5M for the Navy and $5M for the Marine Corps) and authored report language, showing bi-partisan support in both chambers of Congress for this dual mode missile for fighter aircraft and the need for DoN funding. Here are links to the Senate's Mark for JAGM-F:
RDN Line 169, JAGM
+$9.8M “Program increase: Marine Corps joint air–to–ground missile for fixed wing aircraft”
RDN Line 219, F/A-18 Squadrons
+$9.8M “Program increase: Navy joint air–to–ground missile for fixed wing aircraft”